
How To Reach:
There is a vast network of bus
services of Punjab, Himachal, Delhi, Haryana, Pepsu,
Chandigarh, Rajasthan State Roadways, apart from private
operators. Important destinations include Delhi, Shimla,
Chandigarh, Dalhousie, Jammu and Chintpurni.
either back to Jalandhar or Ropar-Chandigarh.
Connected both by rail and road
the old town of Hoshiarpur is famous for its Vedic Research Institute,
Bhrigusamhita system of astrology, manufactures, especially, inlay
work and lacquer finish furniture , musical instruments and an
archaeological museum.
Lajwanti Tourist
Lajwanti Tourist Complex,
Hoshiarpur has 12 spacious rooms and lush green lawns where
1000 persons can be accommodated in each lawn. This complex is
located on the Ropar-Garshankar-Pathankot State Highway which
leads to Chintpurni (HP), an important and famous Hindu
Shrine. Hoshiarpur is known for its fruit gardens and famous
for wooden toys as well as inlay work of hathi dant. (ivory)
Archaeology Museum, Sadhu Ashram and Dholbaha are places worth
seeing in a radius of 25 Kms.